EGSK-33-500-6P (562776) electric slide

Item number:


Work­ing stroke [mm] 500
size 33
Re­vers­ing play [µm] <= 20 µm
Spin­dle di­am­e­ter [mm] 10
Spin­dle pitch [mm/U] 6
in­stal­la­tion po­si­tion ar­bi­trary
Guide ball guide
Con­struc­tion set up Electro-​mechanical lin­ear axis,
With Ball screw drive
Ref­er­enc­ing Ref­er­ence switch
Spin­dle type Ball screw drive
Max. ac­cel­er­a­tion [m/s²] 20
Max. speed [m/s] 0,47
Re­peata­bil­ity ±0.01 mm
Cor­ro­sion re­sis­tant class KBK 0 - No cor­ro­sion stress­ing
Pro­tec­tion cat­e­gory IP10
am­bi­ent tem­per­a­ture [°C] 0 to 40
Dy­namic load fac­tor fixed bear­ing [N] 1.790
Dy­namic load fac­tor lin­ear guide [N] 9.207
Dy­namic load fac­tor ball screw drive [N] 2.840
Flat torque 2nd grade ly [mm4] 62.000
Flat torque 2nd grade lz [mm4] 380000
Max. ac­tu­a­tor torque [Nm] 0,140
Max. force Fy [N] 2.469
Max. force Fz [N] 2.469
Max. torque Mx [Nm] 50,1
Max. torque My [Nm] 16,4
Max. torque Mz [Nm] 16,4
Max. feed force Fx [N] 150
Empty run ac­tu­a­tor torque [Nm] 0,070
Sta­tic load fac­tor ball screw drive [N] 4.900
Sta­tic load fac­tor lin­ear guide [N] 20.200
Mass in­er­tia JH per metre stroke [kg/cm²] 0,0771
Mass in­er­tia JO [kg/cm²] 0,01150
Feed con­stant [mm/U] 6
Sta­tic load fac­tor fixed bear­ing [N] 2.590
Guide­line run­ning per­for­mance [km] 3.000
Mov­ing mass [g] 310
Car­riage weight [g] 310
Ad­di­tional car­riage weight [g] 310
Weight sup­ple­ment per 10 mm stroke [g] 63
Base weight at 0 mm stroke [g] 1.380
Prod­uct weight [g] 4.530
Fas­ten­ing type With Fe­male thread and dowel pin
Clos­ing cover ma­te­r­ial Alu­minium die cast­ing,
Pro­file ma­te­r­ial Coated,
High-​alloyed steel
Ma­te­r­ial in­for­ma­tion LABS con­tain­ing ma­te­ri­als in­cluded,
RoHs com­pli­ant
Ac­tu­a­tor cover ma­te­r­ial Alu­minium die cast­ing,
Car­riage ma­te­r­ial Steel
Spin­dle nut ma­te­r­ial Steel
Spin­dle ma­te­r­ial Steel
Further information on OT-FESTO024708
Weight 310 g / pcs
Customs duty number 84799070
Manufacturer Festo

All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
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