300.000 karbantartási cikk raktárról, néhány nap alatt
Helyszíni értékesítés, mintegy 5000 féle cikk hazai raktárunkból
Szerviz, karbantartás
Műszaki szaktanácsadás
300.000 karbantartási cikk raktárról, néhány nap alatt
Helyszíni értékesítés, mintegy 5000 féle cikk hazai raktárunkból
360-degree view: UM 12 ES - Union nut 1.4571, G 1/2", 6 / 9 / 13 mm
Exemplary representation: Union nut, stainless steel
Drawing: Union nuts
360-degree view: UM 12 ES - Union nut 1.4571, G 1/2", 6 / 9 / 13 mm
Immediately available from the warehouse; order by 16:30 and we will send it today.
Item description
Warning: Version of the sleeves and union nuts varies depending on the manufacturer and material. Mixing of the individual parts with other manufacturers or materials is not recommended.
*also in L = 16 mm available, Product numbers: UM 12 MS K and UM 12 ES K
All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.